The process of reviewing articles consists of the following steps:

1. The article should be reviewed by a specialist at the place of work or training of the author. At this stage, the so-called “open peer review” is used by the official reviewer – an external specialist of the corresponding scientific profile (doctor of sciences). Such a review should contain information on the reliability of the results obtained, their relevance and novelty, as well as practical value with the recommendations for publication of the article. Such a review, together with the article, should be submitted by the author to the Editorial Board.

2. Review of an article by one of the members of the Editorial Board (single-blind review – the reviewer knows the author, but the author does not know the reviewer).

3. After that, the article is sent to an independent expert in the relevant field of expertise. The double-blind review is used there (neither the author nor the reviewer does not know each other). Based on the review, the author can receive one of the following answers:

a) the article is accepted for printing;

b) it is recommended to edit the article;

c) the author’s article is rejected.

Copyright © 2014-2025. Scientific Bulletin of UNU.
Series: International economic relations and world economy